Luke A.

9 year old Luke Acuna was riding his skateboard on the sidewalk along Kansas Street and when he turned to look back at his friends he collided with a trash truck. Luke, who was wearing a helmet, suffered internal injuries, broken bones and was put in a medically induced coma. His left leg was a amputated Nov. 30, and he has undergone multiple surgeries. Luke has been in the hospital more than 100 days and Luke’s parents could not work and be by Luke’s side in the hospital. Not able to pay rent and secure a home for Luke to return to, the Rob Benzon Foundation stepped in paid almost two months rent to the Acuna’s landlord to try to lighten the family burden in some small way. Rob Benzon Foundation board member Terry Lehr attended Luke’s 100 day celebration at Children’s Hospital and got to meet the entire Acuna family who were so appreciative of the Rob Benzon Foundation’s unexpected help and hope in a time of crisis.
Donation made in January 2012